Active vs. Passive Voice: Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh Penggunaan

Daftar isi [Buka]
kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam bahasa inggris


Active voice menceritakan kegiatan yang seseorang atau sesuatu lakukan. Subjek kegiatan tersebut biasanya terletak sebelum kata kerja (verb). Sementara itu objek adalah seseorang atau sesuatu yang menerima kegiatan tersebut terletak setelah kata kerja.

Passive voice menceritakan kegiatan yang dilakukan terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu. Kebalikan dari active voice, subjek pada passive voice terletak setelah kata kerja. Sementara objek terletak sebelum kata kerja.

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif, yang mana kalimat aktif ditulis lebih dulu:

I. Simple Present Tense

(A) The children finish the homework every night.
(P) Every night the homework is finished by The children.
(The children adalah subjek, finish adalah kata kerja, dan the homework adalah objek)

(A) Dewi writes some science-fiction novels.
(P) Some science-fiction novels are written by Dewi.

II. Simple Past Tense

(A) Sam changed the wallpaper.
(P) The wallpaper was changed by Sam.

(A) Ross ate five slices of pizza at dinner.
(P) At dinner, five slices of pizza were eaten by Ross.

III. Simple Future

(A) The teacher will give you instructions.
(P) Instructions will be given to you by the teacher.

(A) Barcelona will celebrate their Champions League victory tomorrow.
(P) The Champions League victory will be celebrated by Barcelona tomorrow.

IV. Present Continuous Tense

(A) Liam is playing football at the stadium now.
(P) Football is being played by Liam at the stadium now.

(A) My parents are making all the reservations now.
(P) All the reservations are being made by my parents.

V. Past Continuous Tense

(A) Salim was reading a novel.
(P) A novel was being read by Salim.

(A) The students were buying some pencils.
(P) Some pencils were being bought by the students.

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